A billion years ago, Pithecanthropus, born with a small penis, was forced to die with it. Today, this is outdated, especially since surgeons have come up with many ways to correct such misfortunes. Charlatans and healers have been put out of work, and men on every continent are increasing the length and thickness of their penises by medical means.
We will tell you how all modern techniques work so that the black band called a small penis remains a thing of the past. If you decide to take such a step, be prepared for financial injections, it would be good to have friends or at least a lover for psychological and physical support.
What are male penis enlargement surgeries?
The arsenal of genital surgeons is quite wide, we describe the most popular options.
The surgeon, without the slightest magic, provides the conditions for lengthening the phallus. Ligamentotomy is an extremely popular aesthetic procedure performed on men's request in a day hospital. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Anesthesia works quickly and easily, without overdose and without affecting well-being after the procedure.

Everything below the belt is disabled by spinal anesthesia. The doctor reaches the supporting ligament with a median suture of the scrotum. This approach is the least traumatic and is well tolerated in rehabilitation. Recovery takes 8-10 days.
The purpose of the operation is to cut the ligament that attaches the phallus hidden under the pubis to the pelvic bone. This releases the hidden reserve.
Ligamentotomy itself does not cause lengthening. This is a powerful preparation for further traction with an extender.. The device is worn after surgery for at least 4 hours for 3-6 months. The minimum increase is 2 cm.
Lipophilization of the penis

It turns out that fat cells move quietly around the body like queens on a chessboard. The method is called lipofilling. . Fat cells pumped from the abdomen or other large areas are transplanted into the penis. Of course, the material is not received in its pure form, but goes through a number of preparatory procedures.
Fortunately, own cells take root much better than the donor. You are not worried about allergic-inflammatory reactions to the filler. You can retransform the phallus in one step. However, adipose tissue is gradually absorbed and broken down,The operation should be repeated every six months. Lipofilling is added up to 1. 5 cm in circumference.
How to increase with injections, without surgery
This segment is called the intimate contour of the injection.
Hyaluronic acid (biogel)
The surgeon works with acid for no more than 20-30 minutes, using local anesthesia. The substance is injected into the outer groove of the phallus and the area of the frenulum.Hyaluronic fillers solve several problems: Elimination of premature ejaculation, increase in the thickness of the shaft and head, shape correction. This feminine item can relieve the first signs of impotence.
To enlarge yourself, do this:
- The groin region is anesthetized and treated with iodine;
- The patient is covered with surgical linen;
- Fabrics are prepared for the procedure with 0. 9% sodium chloride solution in 10 ml;
- The filler is injected into the conditional lower third of the head, focusing on the coronal groove;
- 0, 1-0, 4 ml are injected into the step with the ventilator technique;
- 0. 8-2 ml of the drug is injected at the same time.
For frenulum correction:
- The bridle is filled with acid to increase volume;
- The substance is injected by the drop method into the soft tissues under the skin fold at 0. 1-0. 3 ml steps. The drug is not injected into the frenulum itself.
There is an equally interesting method of pumping gel into the penis - the surgeon makes a puncture at the root of the phallus, injects the medicine through a special cannula. The wound is then sutured and covered with a sterile dressing.
The method is good for quick recovery, healing. On average, you can walk in the mountains in 2-3 days. The diameter immediately increases by 0. 5-1. 5 cm, but we are skeptical about this topic. If you need a phallus for demonstration and urination - this is the right option.If you need sex, consider the risk of drug migration. Under the yoke of dynamic loads, it will go to other zones, resulting in the deformation of the poor person.
botulinum toxin
In response to women taking our pants off, we'll take away their botulinum toxin. The drug is not injected directly into the shaft of the penis.It serves in another direction - the modification of the scrotum.
Why is it necessary:
- reduced sweating;
- straightening of folds, wrinkles;
- Aesthetics - the scrotum looks round, big.
Nice scrotum is good! but,We think Scrotox is a waste of money.
This is a purely artisanal technique originally from the 70s. . At one time, artisans came up with the idea of putting petroleum jelly in a barrel to increase its volume. In some places, this method is still used today. We do not recommend using such methods unless you have an experienced friend nearby who has had at least a hundred injections into the penis with positive experience.
This is done like this:
- The stem treated with an antiseptic is gently pulled to the bottom;
- 10-20 cubes of Vaseline are injected into the syringe;
- Starting from the base, the drug is injected into the trunk, from both sides, getting to the same depth between the skin and the membranes;
- The wounds are disinfected with an antiseptic and covered with a sterile bandage.
The increase in thickness depends on the volume of the introduced substance. On average, desperate heads get 0. 5-1. 5 cm plus.The method is full of complications, it is easily transferred to inflammation, swelling, hellish pain. Surgeons extract vaseline from the penis with titanic labor and demand a lot of money for it.
Through chemical research, synthol was brought out by Chris Clark, which happened back in the 90s of the last century. Since then, bodybuilders began to shoot him in the biceps, the drug helped to quickly increase the volume of the muscles. Then there were the artisans who proposed injecting synthol into the phallus.
We do not recommend taking this risky step, it is painfulHigh risk of serious complications. If the composition enters the bloodstream and clogs the vessels of the vital organ, you can fly to the ancestors. Not to mention loss of erection, inflammation of blood vessels, swelling and hellish pain.
Implementation of gel and silicone implants
soft siliconeThe implants consist of a multi-layered elastomeric shell and a viscous gel filler. The first person who thought of it was James Ellist, a urologist from one of the American clinics. He quickly patented his invention in 2002 and is still enjoying the income from his idea.
The technique is simple and looks like this:
- The doctor and the patient choose the size of the implants;
- The patient is sedated with local anesthesia;
- After disinfection, the implant is inserted through an incision in the groin;
- A cosmetic suture and a sterile bandage are used.
The method involves implantation of the collagen matrix, giving softness and natural sensations. If you get tired, the effect is reversible, without risk or health problems. The gel will not pass through the membrane, even if it breaks.
After recovery, the risk of developing complications, rejection and allergies that cause irreversible damage is almost eliminated.The intervention is performed on an outpatient basis, hospitalization is required for 1 day. The goal is constant thickening during erection and at rest, increasing the length by 4-6 cm.

Implantation of absorbent matrix
The method works exclusively on thickening. Organic matrices are injected into the body of the phallus by fibroblasts (remember, these are connective tissue cells). All this matter is perfectly supplied with blood, it is not rejected by the body. Despite the visible result of +1. 5 cm,The matrices are opened one year after the intervention. To be honest, the method is outdated and rarely used.
Plastic for straightening, thickening, lengthening
Plastic surgery covers a whole range of operations and procedures. All this is designed to correct anatomical structure, appearance, and functional failures.The method helps poor people with various anomalies, deformities, disorders caused by diseases and injuries.. Men also return here, dissatisfied with the aesthetics of their strategic location.
A popular tool for male intimate plastic surgery. It is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor inserts rounded implants with a diameter of 5-10 mm along the skin of the phallus. Small wounds are sewn with cosmetic stitches, everything heals quickly.
Balls are made of silicone, penis prostheses, pearls. In artisanal conditions, they are cut from plastic, Plexiglas. Of course, you can have fun with the installation, especially since everything is reversible. But, judging by the reviews, ladies do not like such experiments.
Plastic prosthesis of the penis
Let's not break it down, strong erections have always been appreciated. Of course, there are many pills that solve erectile dysfunction, but their reliability is not impressive.In case of problems with potency, operations were invented with the installation of prostheses. The intervention significantly improves the quality of erection and helps those who have lost hope forever.

Types of prosthesis:
- plastic (single component)- Large corporations make them based on vinyl or silicone pipes. Multi-layered cylinders are placed in cavernous bodies. The phallus can maintain its fighting position thanks to a metal stick with shape memory. You will have to bring the unit to readiness by hand, while at rest it is held by the linen. Generally not the most convenient option;
- inflatable (two-component)- consists of 2 cylinders and a pump. An erection occurs after the pump is pressed, from which the fluid cheerfully flows into the reservoirs. The organ is brought in by bending the arm. We like this approach because of the softness, naturalness, slight reduction in length of the penis;
- inflatable (three-component)- It consists of 2 cylinders, a pump and a reservoir with physiological solution. This is the best way to ensure an artificial erection. For combat readiness, you need to press several times on one side of the scrotum, for peace - on the other. All this is invisible to wives, girlfriends and looks as natural as possible;
- Strict- An outdated version, due to which the patient has a permanently erect phallus. This case looks unaesthetic and unnatural, because hard penile prostheses have not been used in advanced clinics for a long time.
Phalloprosthesis is the only option for men with irreversible erectile dysfunction and psychogenic impotence.
Appointment of surgical intervention methods
It all depends on what it is - the genitals of each patient.
If we talk about surgical thickening, all modern techniques are quite physiological.The introduction of gel implants, hyaluronic acid does not affect the physical properties of the phallus. It will be soft at rest and sandy when excited. Today, these are the most promising methods of increasing size. It is better to refuse automatic greasing, installing matrices - these are the most ineffective manipulations.
In case of serious problems, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the technique of muscle flap transplantation. The intervention is complex, threatens the formation of a blood clot. But, in return, an excellent aesthetic result is obtained, which will remain for life.
Formally, there is no indication for surgery, especially if the size of the phallus in the erect state reaches 15 cm, the smaller the penis, the more sense it makes to lengthen it. It is indicated for micropenis and small penis. We remind you that ligamentotomy works for this, it gives 2-4 cm plus.
A separate group of techniques works to correct the curvature. The type of interference depends on the angle of deformation.
Here are some options:
- Shortening the tunic- If the deformity is not severe, it is partially excised on the opposite side of the curve, the remaining tissues are sewn. Sometimes a ligamentotomy is additionally performed to preserve the length;
- Corporoplasty (albuginea lengthening)- If the problem originates in local fibrosis, Peyronie's disease, the doctor takes synthetic or biological material. It cuts the membrane in the area of curvature and replaces the defect. The operation is difficult, but it lengthens the penis by 1-2 cm;
- Insertion of endoprostheses- An option for erectile dysfunction sufferers. Deformed tissues are replaced with a semi-rigid or flexible implant.
Characteristics of the preparatory stage
In any self-respecting clinic, the patient undergoes a general clinical examination, sampling for venereal and infectious diseases.Andrologist determines the maximum level of erection, - this determines the potential of phallus elongation. An ultrasound examination is not excluded. On its basis, hidden defects of cavernous bodies, albuginea, blood vessels and blood supply are revealed.
postoperative period

The course of rehabilitation depends on the chosen technique. If you use a relatively simple method, the doctor will send you home a few hours or 1-2 days after the intervention. If a graft, an autograft, is inserted into the stem, a hospital stay is often required. Doctors want to monitor wound healing.
Bandages are regularly applied in the postoperative period. According to the indication, antibacterial, painkillers are prescribed.In the normal course of events, stitches are removed within 7-10 days. Then you will have to follow medical recommendations. This refers to restriction of physical activity, abstinence, etc. Sh. The time limit depends on the magnification technique.
the price
Surgical correction is performed by various methods. Therefore, it is necessary to expect a wide range of prices.
On average, the pricing policy is as follows:
- thickening - $230-3350;
- Extension - $35-3450;
- Combined correction - $2750-5850;
- Curvature correction - from 1 thousand dollars.
Possible risks and complications
Complications are rare among cold-blooded surgeons with golden hands.
However, any surgical intervention carries the following risks:
- swelling;
- development of bleeding;
- wound infection;
- erection failure;
- Unstable position in erection;
- stem deformation, curvature;
- rejection of prostheses, transplanted tissues, foreign bodies;
- inflammation
well- Have you changed your mind? Maybe it's better to enlarge the penis without surgery: try manual stretching exercises and creams?
We vote for surgery to increase the size of the organ in the presence of serious problems (small penis, microphallus).Men with a 15 cm erection are better off using conservative techniques, — extender, pump, spray, gel, creams, exercises.